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Passenger Assistant Training
Passenger Assistance Training: Courses & Programs

The Passenger Assistant Training Scheme is also administered by the CTA. The Scheme provides a nationally recognised standard for training Passenger Assistants. The PATS Scheme is available to anyone who has care or supervision responsibilities of passengers travelling by road.

People who may need a Passenger Assistant include:
Children and young Adults
People with emotional or behavioural problems
People with physical or learning difficulties
People with mental health problems
People who are older and frail.
The objectives for a Passenger Assistant Training Candidate are:
To be aware of the legal, practical and safety issues surrounding the passenger assistant role
To be given help where necessary to improve skills
receive training in how to meet the specific needs of their passenger groups
be assessed to ensure their skills are of an acceptable standard
receive a certificate which is accepted by other PATS members throughout the country.

Passenger Assistant Training is a “modular” training programme and can be delivered on a stand-alone process or a course that covers all 5 modules.
The Modules:
Module A: The role of a Passenger Assistant. Everyone has to attend this module.
Module B1: Passenger Awareness and Assistance
Modules B2: Assisting passengers who travel in their wheelchairs
Module C1: Supervising children and young people with special needs
Module C2: Working with adults who require care and supervision.
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